Level Building Artist

Budapest, Hungary
Full Time
Art, Animation & Visual Effects

⚠ This job is not open for hiring yet, but we are accepting early applications. Increase your future chances by applying now, as we may reach out to you when the job opens. (No exact date yet)


Only accepting applicants from UTC, UTC+1, UTC+2, and UTC+3 time zones.


Possible work models:

  • Employee / Freelancer
  • In-office / Remote / Hybrid
  • Full-time

This job is for you if:

  • You have multiple years of experience in the visual design and building of video game maps using Unreal, Unity, Maya, or other similar software
  • You have a very good sense of shapes, colors, ratios, and composition
  • You have color correction and post-production experience
  • You are very familiar with Adobe Photoshop or another similar graphic design tool
  • You're very good at researching, and figuring out the visual direction of maps
  • You're creative at reusing visual assets
  • You're great at working together with members of an agile and creative team, who work in different fields, while also maintaining a high degree of independence
  • You're proficient at understanding written English, and you are at least at a standard level at writing and understanding spoken English
  • You regularly play video games in your free time

Your task will be:

  • The visual design, building, and color correction of maps and map sections, using blockouts created by our level designers and adding effects to these maps
  • To optimize completed maps
  • To cooperate with other members of the team (designers, programmers, graphic designers, testers, managers), in order for the maps to develop into their best possible forms
  • To constantly test and polish the entire game, especially the parts you designed

It`s advantageous if:

  • You have already worked on at least one game as a Level Building Artist
  • You are very familiar with Unreal Engine
  • You are good at painting/drawing
  • You have practical experience in any other field of game development

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